Reflex GLASS

Reflex GLASS

Reflex glass, often referred to as reflective glass, is a type of glass that has a metallic coating applied to one surface, reflecting light and reducing heat gain. This coating enhances the glass’s ability to control light transmission, glare, and solar heat, making it a popular choice for architectural and building applications.

The Process of CURVED GLASS

  • Raw Material Preparation:

    • Mix silica sand, soda ash, limestone, and other additives.
  • Melting:

    • Heat the mixture in a furnace to around 1700°C until it becomes molten glass.
  • Float Glass Process:

    • Pour molten glass onto molten tin to form a flat sheet.
    • Cool the glass as it moves along the tin bath.
  • Coating Application:

    • Apply a thin metallic coating using magnetron sputtering or pyrolytic coating methods.
  • Annealing:

    • Slowly cool the coated glass to remove internal stresses and increase durability.
  • Cutting and Shaping:

    • Cut the glass sheets to the required sizes and finish the edges as needed.
  • Quality Control:

    • Inspect the glass for reflectivity, transparency, and defects.
  • Packaging and Distribution:

    • Package the glass to prevent damage and distribute it to customers.

CURVED Glass Vs Ordinary Glass

Parameter Reflex Glass Ordinary Glass
Composition and Structure
Has a metallic coating on one side. Designed to reflect light and reduce heat gain.
Made from silica (sand), soda ash, and limestone without additional coatings. Standard transparent material used for various applications.
Light and Heat Management
Reflects a significant portion of sunlight. Reduces glare and solar heat entering a building. Enhances energy efficiency by minimizing the need for air conditioning.
Allows most of the sunlight to pass through. Does not inherently reduce glare or solar heat. Requires additional treatments or coatings to manage light and heat.
Provides enhanced privacy during the day by reflecting exterior views. Allows visibility from the inside while reflecting the outside environment.
Transparent, offering no inherent privacy. Requires additional treatments (e.g., frosted films, blinds) to enhance privacy.
Energy Efficiency
Enhances energy efficiency by reflecting solar heat, reducing cooling costs. Contributes to a building’s overall energy savings.
Provides no inherent energy efficiency benefits. Additional coatings or treatments are needed to improve energy efficiency.
UV Protection
Reflective coating can block a significant amount of harmful UV rays. Helps protect interior furnishings and finishes from fading and deterioration.
Standard glass does not block UV rays effectively. Requires additional UV-blocking films or treatments for protection.


What is reflex glass?

Reflex glass, also known as reflective glass, is a type of glass that has a metallic coating applied to one surface. This coating reflects light and reduces heat gain, improving energy efficiency and comfort in buildings.

How does reflex glass work?

The metallic coating on reflex glass reflects a portion of sunlight, which reduces glare and solar heat entering the building. This helps maintain a cooler indoor temperature and improves energy efficiency.

What are the benefits of using reflex glass?
  • Energy Efficiency: Reduces cooling costs by minimizing solar heat gain.
  • Comfort: Reduces glare and maintains consistent indoor temperatures.
  • UV Protection: Blocks harmful UV rays, protecting interior furnishings.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Offers a sleek, modern look with various colors and tints.
  • Privacy: Enhances privacy during the day by reflecting exterior views.
Where can reflex glass be used?
  • Commercial Buildings: Facades, curtain walls, and windows.
  • Residential Buildings: Windows, skylights, and glass doors.
  • Automobiles: Car windows to reduce glare and heat buildup.
  • Interior Design: Partitions, decorative elements, and glass doors.
Is reflex glass suitable for residential use?

Yes, reflex glass is suitable for residential use. It is often used in windows and skylights to reduce heat and glare, enhancing indoor comfort and energy efficiency.

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